There are no straight paths to client conversion, and that’s the case for law firms, too.
In an age where consumers, including legal consumers, are continually inundated with information, and in which consumers’ attention spans continually decrease, because of overstimulation and oversaturation, it’s no wonder that it takes a lot of repetition to get to a sale.
Like a lot of repetition.
It takes somewhere between 10-12 ‘touches’ for a consumer to begin the process of converting to a client of a business, like a law firm. There’s a good deal of marketing effort, then, that goes into acquiring a client.
-Potential client sees an ad.
-Potential client Googles your name.
-Potential client reads your bio.
-Potential client reads a blog post.
-Potential client reviews your LinkedIn profile.
-Potential client reads a review.
-Potential client watches a video.
-Potential client listens to a podcast.
-Potential client signs up for a webinar.
-Potential client lands on your website.
-Potential client fills out an intake form.
-Potential client makes an appointment.
So, the real question is:
Is your law firm ready to develop more engagement points?
If you can, that level of shock and awe is really what’s required to generate and convert new business in the modern world.