What happens to the leads you don’t convert?
Right, nothing.
But, lost leads may not be lost forever. Even so, most law firms drop those leads that don’t convert like a hot potato, rather than taking a more measured approach, and acting like the shepherd looking for his lost sheep.
Of course, it’s easier to do that now, than it was back in the day, when you had to grab your crozier, gear up and go walkabout. Nowadays, it’s as simple as getting a good remarketing system in place, because sometime those leads you lost, only need a little push, to become the clients you gain.
The concept of remarketing, in this construct, is pretty simple: Someone who reached out to your law firm about utilizing your legal services did not convert, for whatever reasons (sometimes you know why, and sometimes you don’t); but, if those leads never hear from you again, they’re never reminded of an opportunity to engage you, at a time when they might actually be ready to do so. Imagine the estate planning client who is going on an overseas trip, and is keyed up to get an estate plan done; they didn’t convert before this trip, come back, and then forget about it. Where will you be before the next trip? Invisible, if you don’t continue to reach out.
It’s a big deal for any lead to offer up contact information. And, that’s your cue to start utilizing it.
Sp, drop those lost leads into a remarketing program: Send emails every now and then. Followup via text. Push out a calendaring link. It’s never too late to reengage a lost lead. Most lawyers just never do.
Keep those lost leads engaged, and add another layer to your revenue.