Most of the time, attorneys are spending their effort putting out fire, and being reactive to issues that crop up. While that’s one way to run a business, it’s certainly not the only option, and it’s definitely not the best one. Better to be proactive, to solve for problems before they arrive in your lap. That’s why law firm managers that direct their efforts in a different way: working ‘on’ the law firm business, rather than ‘in’ it, tend to be more consistent across the board, including in terms of generating revenue.
Of course, that thesis does not only extend to the substantive work that law firms do. Most attorneys focus on substantive work, case work, to the exclusion of everything else. But, law firms that can generate effective marketing strategies, and produce on those in a consistent fashion, can access the same benefits that law firms focused on developing and implementing a granular business plans can. Executing on a business plan, and on a marketing plan, is essentially the same, in that it is a set of directions for consistent effort, and consistency of effort is what often separates successful business from middling businesses.
So, yes: it’s good to have a comprehensive marketing plan in place. But, if you don’t have one, or if you need to fix your existing one, when do you do it? Well, now is a pretty good time. After another year ground down by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we’re fast approaching the 2021 holiday season. Most law firms (most businesses) experience a dip in intake during this period of time. But, rather than panicking about that happening, and overreacting for yet another season, lean into it, instead. Take that extra time, and generate a marketing plan that you can launch for the start of 2022. Do some deep analysis. Get really granular. Ask the tough questions. Hunker down.
2022 could be the best year in a while. With the right marketing plan, you can grab the bull by the horns in the new year, and have your best year yet. It all starts with a plan.