Install Gideon on Your Website Using the Javascript Snippet
The best way to get Gideon up and running on your site is to drop a JavaScript code block (or “snippet”) into the footer of your website. Simply copy the code block from the onboarding email we send you, and paste it into your website design platform.
Create your First Gideon Chatbot
Gideon bots efficiently collect information, qualify leads and automatically book meetings. No forms required.
Gideon provides law firms with a complete bot building environment – filled with prebuilt templates – making it simple and quick for law firms to design, build, and manage custom bots for specific practice areas and transactions. No coding necessary.
How to Create your Chatbot
In the Bots page, hit the Create Bot button and name your chatbot; then, you will be brought into the visual bot builder. A menu of icons will appear, where you can see all the question types we offer, along with a brief description of what each question types does. Now, you can start building bots.
Adding Questions
Start with a greeting message: this is a great way to quickly grab a lead’s attention with a friendly welcome.
The bot can ask qualifying questions to help you get to know who you’re talking to, what they need, and how they would like to be helped. We recommend keeping your questions short and specific.
To add a new question node, click the + symbol, which will immediately open the question list again. If you want to delete a question, click the x symbol icon.
Adding Tags
From within the visual botbuilder, you can attach a Tag to a lead’s answer choice. You can create any Tag you want, by typing in your tag name and clicking enter to save it. This is how the chatbot will automatically label and qualify leads.
Add your team, Connect your Calendar Set up Lead Routing
Add your Team
From the Settings panel, invite your team members to join and have them set up their own profiles.
Connect your Calendar
Allow your chatbot to schedule meetings for you by connecting your calendar. In Settings, click Add Plugin button and add your calendaring system (Google, Outlook) integrations available.
In Lead Routing, you will see your calendar events populated in the Gideon calendar.
Set Up Routing Rules
Classifications is where you view the lead qualification settings you build using tags. This is also the place where you can determine which attorneys and staff will be notified or scheduled for specific classifications.
To create a Classification, you must first enter a title. Then, you can assign Tags (as many as you’d like) to that Classification. Now, using the Notifications and Scheduled checkboxes, you can set which team members will be notified or scheduled when a lead triggers that specific Classification.
View and Track Leads
On the Leads page, you can view, track and analyze all leads and conversations. You can search, sort, and segment by lead name, Classification, conversation start date, scheduled appointments, and team member assignments. If you click on a lead, you will be able to view the lead profile, which includes: contact information, Classification status, any documents uploaded, and the entire conversation history.
Measure Performance Metrics
The Dashboard provides you with your chatbot performance metrics, including: the number of total conversations, the number of leads classified, and the number of consultations booked. You can filter by: today, last seven days, last 30 days, or this year.
Question Types
When you want to say something, but don’t need an answer, choose this node. Messages are great for starting a conversations, or for creating a break between sets of questions.
Use the Choice node when you want to offer a range of answers to a question, including for closed questions – where the answer is ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
The date question allows leads to select a date or a date and time.
Whenever you’re collecting contact details, this question will allow you to collect phone numbers and emails.
If you want a short written response to a question, choose the text node. Use this to ask people for their name – but make sure to check the Use for Lead Name box, because that’s how lead names are populated in Lead Profiles.
To request a number for an answer, select the number node. This node requires a numerical response.
Allows leads to upload files to your chatbot via upload or drag and drop.
All chatbots finish with a Completion Message by default. You can choose to allow leads to schedule appointments automatically or you can choose to be notified that a lead has met a Classification.
Dialog nodes allow you to create pathways in your chatbot, to handle a full range of client inquires. For instance, if you’d like to ask certain qualifying questions for one practice area, and a different set of questions for another, you can create two dialogs. Gideon chatbots can have an unlimited number of dialogs and subdialogs.