Lawyers advocate for their clients all the time; it’s literally ‘the job’.
But, most of that advocacy, that ‘zealous representation’, is made in private. No one knows, but the client. And, the client may not even know (likely doesn’t know) how hard you’re fighting + how much you believe in their cause.
That’s okay; nobody ever said your clients would be baking cookies for you – even if they sometimes do.
But, from a marketing perspective, it’s really hard to let other knows how effective a counsel you are, since you’re bound by ethical strictures regarding the confidentiality of your clients’ information. You’re not like a contractor, who’s got a new home addition (and an advertising sign) right out in the front yard, for people to look at, and drive by.
That’s why some attorneys go public with their advocacy. Employment attorneys address the need for better parental leave laws in their state. Immigration attorneys are decrying the state of affairs across the whole country. Landlord-tenant attorneys highlighting potential unfairness in the system, on both sides.
Does that play in the media, including on social media? You bet it does.
Is every attorney willing to do that? To take a side, and stand on it? Not so much.
But, if you do, it could be advantageous to your practice, and generate more of the kinds of clients you want to work with.
So, if you’re passionate about representing your clients, it’s okay to let everybody know.