Content marketing works really well for small businesses, including law firms.
It can help attorneys to build a brand, and can also assist them in establishing an expert reputation online.
The common question for getting started is: What will I talk about?
The answer is actually pretty simple: What your clients want to know.
I bet if you think about it, you can come up with at least 10 questions your clients (and potential clients) ask you all the time. You weaponize that knowledge when you anticipate those questions, and build content (of any type, publishable online) in answer.
But, there’s another way to get this powerful information, that’s often overlooked.
When a consumer searches for a legal topic, the first page of Google looks like this: Google Screened, ads, map placement . . .
And, then – the holy grail for content marketers: the ‘people also ask’ section, which lists other common search queries Google users try that are related to the current search. Click on one, more appear.
You’ve just hit the motherlode.
So, if you’ve got trouble coming up with questions to answer in your content marketing, here is an infinite list of ‘long tail’ search terms at your disposal.
You’re welcome.
As God is my witness, you’ll never go without content ideas again!