Most law firms I talk to want law firm processes in a box.
The devastating news is, that those don’t exist.
While processes and workflows are extremely valuable for all businesses, including law firms – building them can be challenging. But, the effort is well worth it, if you can maintain those processes as part of your law firm structure.
So, there is a trick here; and, it’s pretty easy. There’s a two-step method to building effective workflows. That’s it: just two things. And, the secret sauce is as follows:
-First, map out the entire workflow – on a piece of paper, in a workflow management tool, wherever. Just build the map, so it can be followed, by others.
-Second, get super granular. Be as specific as possible about each item in the workflow, including asking questions about consumer behavior. What would leads do/require in each case? For example, how many followups are necessary for the fulfillment of a workflow task, and via which communication method? And, who should be the task owner, and why? At which point does the full workflow complete, and why? And, that may be a different answer for a lead (lost leads) versus a client, where a certain result must happen, eg – the filling of a motion in court.
Ask those picky questions, and build a map, to design really effective workflows.